Vortex basics
A vortex experiment should be ran in a dedicated directory:
with :
working directory environment variable |
vapp |
application of the experiment, for instance hycom3d |
vconf |
configuration of the experiment, for instance manga |
xpid |
name of the experiment, in the format myexp@location, where location defaults to username |
Then, the experiment directory has to be organized as follow:
conf |
the directory hosting the configuration file |
jobs |
the directory hosting the vortex job files to be submitted |
tasks |
the directory hosting the vortex task files |
vortex |
a link to a vortex repository |
The configuration file sets up the experiment, the vortex jobs and the vortex tasks. From this file, the user can communicate with the vortex jobs and tasks through the sections.
python = /opt/softs/anaconda3/envs/Py37nomkl/bin/python
extrapythonpath = sloop
template = @job-default.tpl
loadedmods = common,gco,common.tools.addons,shom.data.resources,shom.data.executables,shom.data.consts,shom.algo.hycom3d
suitebg = SHOM
cutoff = production
cycle = uget:hycom3d_manga05@morvanm
geometry = hycom3dmanga
model = hycom3d
experiment = SHOM
xpid = sloopdev@morvanm
namespace = vortex.cache.fr
rank = 0
directories_map = param:PARAMETERS[rank]. forcing:FORCING[rank]. split:SPLIT[rank]. res:RES[rank].
atmfrc_model = arpege
atmfrc_geometry = eurat01
atmfrc_vapp = hycom3d
atmfrc_vconf = manga
#atmfrc_namespace = bdpe.archive.fr
atmfrc_namespace = vortex.cache.fr
spinup = 24
atmfrc_term_insta = rangex(0-5-1)
atmfrc_term_cumul = rangex(1-6-1)
atmfrc_term = rangex(-%(spinup)s-0-1)
atmfrc_origin = analyse
atmfrc_bdpeid_insta = 14621
atmfrc_bdpeid_cumul = 14681
The vortex jobs are generated by a vortex tool named mkjob. mkjob generates a script based on the application configuration file and arguments given in command line:
$ vortex/bin/mkjob.py --job name={jobname} task={taskname}
The tasks directory hold the tasks of the experiment.
- Driver
A task is a Python script in which is implemented a Driver defined through a setup function. A setup function of a Vortex task is called and executed by a Vortex job. In the following example, the Driver consists in a family spinup split in three Vortex objects of type Task. These three Tasks would be ran sequentially.
def setup(t, **kw): return Driver( tag='run_ibc_spinup', ticket=t, nodes=[ Family(tag="spinup", ticket=t, nodes=[ HycomIBCRunTime(tag='ibc_time', ticket=t, **kw), HycomIBCRunHoriz(tag='ibc_horizontal', ticket=t, **kw), HycomIBCRunVertSpinup(tag='ibc_vertical', ticket=t, **kw), ], **kw), ], options=kw, )
- Task Object
A Task object has access to the parameters of the configuration via self.conf. A Task object has a process method split in three steps.
- Fetch
The fetch step is designed to fetch any data resource the task needs to be ran correctly via the input function of the Vortex module named toolbox. In the following example, the task would fetch a script executable hosted in the sloop library. Note that command line arguments can be specified via the rawopts attributes. Other ways allow to specify command line arguments. The next section is dedicated to the Vortex resources.
tbpreproc = toolbox.input( kind = "script", language = "python", remote = t.sh.path.join( SLOOP_DIR, "bin", "sloop-hycom3d-run-ibc-2-vert-0-preproc.py"), filename = "run-vert-preproc.py", rank = self.conf.rank, rawopts = "--rank [rank] ssh_hyc.cdf" )
- Compute
The compute step is dedicated to the algo component vortex resource. The tasks have access to the algo component through the algo function of the module toolbox. For instance, in the following example, the sloop script executable fetched above, would be ran through the component_runner of the task thanks to an algo component defined by its attributes engine and interpreter.
tbrunpreproc = toolbox.algo( engine = 'exec', interpreter= "python", extendpypath = [self.sh.path.join(self.conf.rootapp, d) for d in ['sloop', 'sloop-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages']], ) self.component_runner(tbrunpreproc, tbpreproc)
- Backup
The files produced in the compute step can be stored in the backup step via the output function of the module toolbox. In the following, the task would store in the vortex cache the nesting hycom3d files.
tb06 = toolbox.output( vapp = self.conf.vapp, vconf = self.conf.vconf, experiment = self.conf.experiment, namespace = self.conf.namespace intent = "out", role = 'Output', model = self.conf.model, date = self.conf.rundate, geometry = self.conf.geometry, kind = "gridpoint", block = 'preproc/'+(tag if "spnudge" not in tag else self.tag.split("_")[1]), field = ["s", "t", "u", "v", "h"], format = ["a", "b"], nativefmt = "[format]", filename = "[field]-nest.[format]", )
Vortex manages two types of resource : data and algo components.
- Data
The data resources are described by a Resource (i.e. what is in the data), by a Provider (i.e. where to get/put the data), and by a Container (i.e. where the data will be stored locally). The Resource, Provider, and Container are defined through attributes associated with the available data resources. For instance, the data resources implemented for sloop usage are stored in vortex/src/shom/data. There, three types of data resources are coded : consts, resources, and executables.
- consts
The module consts.py regards the static files, like a namelist of a model parameters or any file that do not change through time.
- resources
The resources changing through time are found in the module resources.py, like the model outputs.
- executables
Any executable (Fortran, Python …) is implemented in the module executables.py.
Herebelow is an example of an executable resource describing the program inicon for hycom3d:
class Hycom3dIBCIniconBinary(Binary): """Binary that computes initial condictions for HYCOM.""" _footprint = [ gvar, gdomain, dict( info="Binary that computes initial conditions for HYCOM", attr=dict( gvar=dict(default="master_hycom3d_ibc_inicon_[gdomain]"), kind=dict(values=["vertical_regridder"]), model=dict(values=["hycom3d"]) ), ), ] @property def realkind(self): return "hycom3d_ibc_inicon_binary" def command_line(self, **opts): return ("{datadir} {sshfile} {tempfile} {salnfile} " "{nx} {ny} {nz} {cmoy} " "{sshmin} {cstep}").format(**opts)
Note that usefull data resources are implemented in other package as well as in vortex/src/vortex/data. Before coding a new resource, the developer has to check carefuly through the other package if it does not exist yet.
Algo components
The algo components allow to set command line argument or environment variable depending on the program we want to run. The algo components dedicated to sloop are implemented in the module vortex/src/shom/algo/hycom3d.py.
Hereabove is an example of an algo component implemented for running the programm inicon for hycom3d :
class Hycom3dIBCRunVerticalInicon(BlindRun, Hycom3dSpecsFileDecoMixin):
"""TODO Class Documentation.
:note: Inputs::
:note: Exe::
${repbin}/inicon $repdatahorgrille ssh_hyc.cdf temp_hyc.cdf saln_hyc.cdf "$idm" "$jdm" "$kdm" "$CMOY" "$SSHMIN"
_footprint = [
info="Run the initial and boundary conditions vertical interpolator",
def realkind(self):
return "hycom3d_ibc_run_vert_inicon"
def prepare(self, rh, opts):
"""Get specs data from JSON."""
super(Hycom3dIBCRunVerticalInicon, self).prepare(rh, opts)
self._specs = self._get_specs_and_link("inicon.json")
def spawn_command_options(self):
"""Prepare options for the resource's command line."""
return dict(
Before running a vortex job, the data have to be stored locally in caches. The location of the caches are set via the environment variable MTOOLDIR.
- Vortex cache
The vortex cache regards the data changing through time. For instance, the raw location of the Mercator forecast on the MERCGM12 grid, in netcdf format, of the psy3 model at term 0h of the 2021/11/09 00UTC run used in the hycom3d application, manga configuration and, OPER experiment would be:
- Uget cache
The uget cache regards the data which do not change through time. These resources are directly linked with the constants and executables (see for instance vortex/src/shom/data/conts.py and vortex/src/shom/data/executables.py). For instance, for vapp = hycom3d and vconf = manga, the 0.03 version of the savefield_*.input files of are stored in a tar file named [vapp].savefield.[vconf]_[version]. The raw location of this resource would be: