Source code for sloop.env

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import fnmatch
import socket
import os
import importlib
import pathlib
import logging
import re
import subprocess
from .__init__ import SloopError
from .log import LoggingLevelContext
from configparser import ConfigParser

#: Database for guessing HPC target from hostname
    "datarmor": ["*"],
    "aquarium": ["aqlogin*"],
    "meteofrance": ["*"],

RE_CYCLE_MATCH = re.compile(

[docs]def load_config_from_dict(conf, sec): """Load environment variables from dict""" env_dict = conf[sec] try: for var in env_dict.keys(): if var.startswith("env_"): varname = var.split("env_")[-1] if isinstance(env_dict[var], list): value = " ".join(comp[var]) else: value = env_dict[var] os.environ[varname.upper()] = value except SloopEnvError as e: logger.error(e.msg)
[docs]def get_section_from_config(conf, section): """Load section in config.ini file""" config = ConfigParser(default_section=None) try: sec = config[section] except Exception: raise SloopEnvError(f"Section {section} not in {conf} file") return dict(sec.items())
[docs]def get_field_from_config(conf, section, key): """Load config from a section in config.ini file""" config = ConfigParser() try: field = config[section][key] except Exception: raise SloopEnvError(f"Section {section} or {key} not in {conf} file") return field
[docs]def load_env_config(conf, sec): """Load config from a section in config.ini file""" config = ConfigParser() # start filling env variables if sec in config.sections(): comp = config[sec] for var in comp.keys(): if var.startswith("env_"): varname = var.split("env_")[-1] if isinstance(comp[var], list): value = " ".join(comp[var]) else: value = comp[var] os.environ[varname.upper()] = value else: raise SloopEnvError(f"Section {sec} not in config file")
[docs]def stripout_conda_env(env_dict=None): """Remove conda env from PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and C_INCLUDE_PATH""" if env_dict is None: env_dict = os.environ for name, subdir in ( ("PATH", "bin"), ("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "lib"), ("LIBRARY_PATH", "lib"), ("INCLUDE_PATH", "include"), ("C_INCLUDE_PATH", "include"), ): if name in env_dict: paths = env_dict[name].split(":") path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, subdir) if path in paths: paths.remove(path) env_dict[name] = ":".join(paths)
[docs]class ContextEnv(object): """Context for changing env vars"""
[docs] def __init__(self, stripout_conda=False, **envs): self.stripout_conda = stripout_conda self.envs = envs
def __enter__(self): self.old_env = os.environ.copy() if self.stripout_conda: stripout_conda_env() os.environ.update(**self.envs) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): os.environ = self.old_env
[docs]def guess_hpc_target(): """Get the current HPC target name It first look for the :envvar:`HPC_TARGET` env variable, then use the :data:`HOSTNAME_TO_HPC_TARGET` variable to guess it from hostname. If not a well known HPC target, "generic" is returned. The :envvar:`HPC_TARGET` is then set to this value. """ if "HPC_TARGET" in os.environ: return os.environ["HPC_TARGET"] hostname = socket.getfqdn() for hpc_target, patterns in list(HOSTNAME_TO_HPC_TARGET.items()): for pattern in patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(hostname, pattern): os.environ["HPC_TARGET"] = hpc_target return hpc_target os.environ["HPC_TARGET"] = "generic" return "generic"
[docs]def is_os_cmd_avail(cmd): """Check if a command is available Parameters ---------- cmd: str Command can be executed in a terminal Return ------ Boolean """ return["which", cmd], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode == 0
[docs]class SloopEnvError(SloopError): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg
[docs]def check_env_vars(env_vars): """Check that the given list of env variables are set Parameters ---------- env_vars: str, list List of environment variables Return ------ SloopEnvError: if a variable is not set """ if isinstance(env_vars, str): env_vars = [env_vars] for env_var in env_vars: if env_var not in os.environ: raise SloopEnvError( f"Environment variable not set: {env_var}. " + "The following variales must be set: " + " ".join(env_vars) )
[docs]def check_vortex_dir(vortex_dir): """Check that the vortex directory is valid Return ------ SloopEnvError """ for relpaths in [ ("",), ("bin", ""), ("src", "common"), ("site", "footprints"), ]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(vortex_dir, *relpaths)): raise SloopEnvError(f"Invalid vortex dir: {vortex_dir}")
[docs]def check_vapp(vapp): """Check that vapp is valid vapp must be a module importable from :mod:`sloop.models`. Return ------ SloopEnvError """ vapp = str(vapp) try: with LoggingLevelContext(logging.WARNING): vapp_module = importlib.import_module("." + vapp, "sloop.models") except ImportError: raise SloopEnvError("Invalid vapp: " + vapp) return vapp_module
[docs]def check_exp_dir(exp_dir, errors="raise"): """Check that an experiment directory is valid This checks parents and children. Return ------ dict See also -------- check_vapp """ assert errors in ("raise", "ignore") assert "MTOOLDIR" in os.environ, "MTOOLDIR has to be set" # The exp dir itself specs = {} if not os.path.exists(exp_dir): if errors == "raise": raise SloopEnvError(f"Experiment directory not found: {exp_dir}") else: return specs else: exp_dir = pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(exp_dir)) specs["exp_dir"] = exp_dir # xpid/vapp/vconf vconf = vapp_dir = exp_dir.parent vapp = vapp_module = check_vapp(vapp) xpid = user = os.path.basename(os.environ["HOME"]) # getpass.getuser() location = user if "@" not in xpid else xpid.split("@")[1] specs.update( vapp=vapp, vconf=vconf, xpid=xpid, vapp_module=vapp_module, location=location, exp_dir=str(exp_dir), ) # Links for tool in ["vortex", "sloop"]: if not (exp_dir / tool).is_symlink(): if errors == "raise": raise SloopEnvError(f"Link to tool not found: {tool}") else: specs[tool] = "no local link found!" else: specs[tool] = os.path.abspath(str(exp_dir / tool)) # Conf # - dir conf_dir = exp_dir / "conf" if not conf_dir.exists(): if errors == "raise": raise SloopEnvError(f"Conf dir not found: {conf_dir}") else: specs["conf_dir"] = "not found!" else: specs["conf_dir"] = str(conf_dir) # - ini file ini_file = conf_dir / f"{vapp}_{vconf}.ini" if not ini_file.exists(): if errors == "raise": raise SloopEnvError(f"Ini file not found: {ini_file}") else: specs["ini_file"] = "not found !" else: specs["ini_file"] = str(ini_file) # uenv file with ContextEnv(VORTEX_QUIET="1"): from vortex.util.config import GenericConfigParser cfg = GenericConfigParser(specs["ini_file"]) if cfg.has_option(None, "cycle"): m = RE_CYCLE_MATCH(cfg.defaults()["cycle"]) if m: if"scheme").startswith("u"): from vortex import ticket t = ticket() location ="location") or location specs["uget_hack_file"] = os.path.join( t.glove.configrc, "hack", "uget", location, # xpid location or user? "env","cfgname")) # Tasks # - dir tasks_dir = exp_dir / "tasks" if not tasks_dir.exists(): if errors == "raise": raise SloopEnvError(f"Tasks dir not found: {tasks_dir}") else: specs["tasks_dir"] = "not found!" else: specs["tasks_dir"] = str(tasks_dir) # - init file init_task = tasks_dir / "" if not init_task.exists(): if errors == "raise": raise SloopEnvError(f"Tasks init file not found: {init_task}") else: specs["tasks_init_file"] = "not found!" else: specs["tasks_init_file"] = str(init_task) # - task files taskfiles = list(tasks_dir.glob("*.py")) specs["task_files"] = [str(t) for t in taskfiles if not == ""] return specs
[docs]def show_exp_info(exp_dir): """Print some info about an experiment Parameters ---------- exp_dir: str A valid experiment directory See also -------- check_exp_dir """ specs = check_exp_dir(exp_dir, errors="ignore") for label, content in specs.items(): label = label.replace("_", " ") if isinstance(content, list): print("- " + label + ":") for value in content: print(" - " + value) else: if hasattr(content, "__file__"): content = content.__file__ print("-", label + ":", content)