Source code for sloop.models.hycom3d.atmfrc

Atmospheric Forcing preprocessings

import logging

import numpy as np
from ...log import LoggingLevelContext

with LoggingLevelContext(logging.WARNING):
    import xarray as xr
from xoa.filter import erode_mask

from ...times import convert_to_julian_day
from ...interp import interp_time, Regridder
from ...phys import (
from ...filters import erode_mask_vec
from .__init__ import HYCOM3D_PARAM
from .io import get_ab_file_names

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AtmFrc(object): """ Atmospheric Forcing preprocessings """
[docs] def __init__( self, insta_files, cumul_files, ): """ Parameters ---------- insta_files: list List of instantaneous grib files:: insta_files = [grib_time0, grib_time1, grib_time2, ...] cumul_files: list(list) List of list of cumulated grib files. The outer level is for dates and the inner one for terms:: cumul_files = [[grib_date0_term0, grib_date0_term1], [grib_date1_term0, grib_date1_term1], [grib_date2_term0, grib_date2_term1]] Note that the cumul is reset at each new date. """ self.insta = insta_files self.cumul = cumul_files LOGGER.debug("insta files: {self.insta}") LOGGER.debug("cumul files: {self.cumul}")
[docs] def grib2dataset(self):"Convert grib format to dataset") dsc = []"Cumulated data processing") for grib_at_terms in self.cumul: LOGGER.debug(grib_at_terms) ds = [] for data in grib_at_terms: ds.append( xr.open_dataset( data, engine="cfgrib", backend_kwargs={"indexpath": ""} ) ) ds = xr.combine_nested( ds, concat_dim="valid_time", combine_attrs="override" ) ds = ds.drop(["time", "surface"]) ds = ds.rename( {"longitude": "lon", "latitude": "lat", "valid_time": "time"} ) ds = ds.sortby(ds["time"]) ds = ds.astype("float64") ds = self.decumul(ds) dsc.append(ds) ds_cumul = xr.combine_nested( dsc, concat_dim="time", combine_attrs="override" ) ds_cumul = ds_cumul.sortby(ds_cumul["time"])"Instantaneous data processing") dsi = [] for data in self.insta: ds = [] for level in [0, 2, 10]: ds.append( xr.open_dataset( data, engine="cfgrib", backend_kwargs={ "indexpath": "", "filter_by_keys": {"edition": 2, "level": level}, }, drop_variables=[ "heightAboveGround", "meanSea", "surface", ], ) ) dsi.append(xr.merge(ds, combine_attrs="override")) ds_insta = xr.combine_nested( dsi, concat_dim="valid_time", combine_attrs="override" ) ds_insta = ds_insta.drop(["step", "time"]) ds_insta = ds_insta.rename( {"longitude": "lon", "latitude": "lat", "valid_time": "time"} ) ds_insta = ds_insta.sortby(ds_insta["time"]) return ds_cumul, ds_insta
[docs] @staticmethod def decumul(ds_cumul): LOGGER.debug("start decumul") if ds_cumul.dims["time"] == 1: LOGGER.debug("one time step") diff_time = ds_cumul["step"] ds_decumul = ds_cumul/(diff_time/np.timedelta64(1, "s")) else: LOGGER.debug("more than one time step") ds_decumul = xr.concat([ds_cumul.isel(time=0), ds_cumul.diff("time")], "time") diff_time = ds_decumul.step.values/np.arange(1, ds_decumul.dims["time"]+1, 1) ds_decumul = ds_decumul/(diff_time/np.timedelta64(1, "s")) ds_decumul["time"] = ds_decumul.time - 0.5 * diff_time if "step" in ds_decumul: ds_decumul = ds_decumul.drop(["step"]) return ds_decumul
[docs] def interp_time(self, time, nc_out): ds_cumul, ds_insta = self.grib2dataset() diurnal_vars = [] for pv in HYCOM3D_PARAM.values(): if "diurnal" in pv["attrs"]: if pv["attrs"]["diurnal"] is "True": diurnal_vars.extend(pv["name"]) LOGGER.debug(f"Diurnal vars : {diurnal_vars}")"time interpolation of instantaneous data") ds_insta = interp_time(ds_insta, time, diurnal_vars=diurnal_vars)"time interpolation of cumulated data") ds_cumul = interp_time(ds_cumul, time, diurnal_vars=diurnal_vars) ds_atmfrc = xr.merge( [ds_cumul, ds_insta], combine_attrs="override", compat='no_conflicts', )"Store results in {nc_out}") ds_atmfrc.to_netcdf(nc_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def parameters(nc_in, nc_out): ds = xr.open_dataset(nc_in) ds = celsius2kelvin(ds) if not set(["ewss", "nsss"]).issubset([n for n in ds.variables]): ds = windstress(ds, method="Speich") ds = radiativeflux(ds) ds.drop("str") ds = watervapormixingratio(ds) ds["tp"] *= 0.001 # [kg.m-2.s-1]-->[m.s-1] ds["tp"] = ds["tp"].where(ds["tp"]>=0, 0)"Store results in {nc_out}") ds.to_netcdf(nc_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def regridmask(nc_mask, nc_in, nc_out, weightsfile): """Add an atmos mask to the dataset""""Add atmospheric mask to the dataset") ds = xr.open_dataset(nc_in) ds = ds.reindex({'lat':[::-1]}) ds_mask = xr.open_dataset(nc_mask) ds = ds.sel(lon=slice(ds_mask.lon.min(), ds_mask.lon.max(),1), lat=slice(,,1)) regridder = Regridder( ds_mask, ds, regridder=None, filename=weightsfile) ds = regridder.regrid(ds_mask) ds["mask"] = (ds["mask"] <= 0.5).astype('i') ds["mask"].attrs.update( long_name="Land-sea mask with 1 on the ocean and 0 on land") LOGGER.debug(ds)"Store results in {nc_out}") ds.to_netcdf(nc_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def regridvar(nc_in, nc_out, hycom_grid, weightsfile): """Regrid to ocean grid with appropriate handling of coasts""" ds = xr.open_dataset(nc_in) kernel = {"lon": 3, "lat": 3} ds = erode_mask_vec(ds, kernel, param="wind", until=5) scalar_variables = [ "t2m", "r2", "prmsl", "ssr", "tp", "si10", "vapmix", "radflx", ] ds = ds[scalar_variables+["ewss", "nsss", "mask"]] for var in scalar_variables:"Erode mask on {var}") ds[var] = ds[var].where(ds.mask == 1) ds[var] = erode_mask(ds[var], kernel=kernel, until=5) ds = ds.transpose('time', 'lat', 'lon')"Build regridder") regridder = Regridder( ds, hycom_grid, regridder=None, filename=weightsfile )"Redrig the dataset") ds = regridder.regrid(ds)"Store dataset in NetCDF file {nc_out}") ds.to_netcdf(nc_out)
[docs] @staticmethod def rename_vars(ds):"Rename atmfrc variables as expected by Hycom") for hyparam in list(HYCOM3D_PARAM.keys()): if len(HYCOM3D_PARAM[hyparam]["name"]) > 1: HYCOM3D_PARAM[hyparam]["name"].remove(hyparam) if HYCOM3D_PARAM[hyparam]["name"][0] in ds: ds = ds.rename({HYCOM3D_PARAM[hyparam]["name"][0]: hyparam}) ds[hyparam].attrs = HYCOM3D_PARAM[hyparam]["attrs"] for dsi in list(ds.keys()): if dsi not in list(HYCOM3D_PARAM.keys()): ds = ds.drop(dsi) return ds
[docs] @staticmethod def write_abfiles(ds, ab_out="forcing.{var_name}", **kwargs):"Write Hycom [a/b] files") ds = ds.fillna(0) freq = kwargs.get("freq", None) fa_pattern, fb_pattern = get_ab_file_names(ab_out) header_pattern = ( "{var_header} a {freq} heures \n\n" "ORIGINE:unknow \n" " II JJ XLONE XLONW XLATS XLATN \n" "{ds.lon.shape[1]} {ds.lon.shape[0]} " "{lonmax} {lonmin} " "{latmin} {latmax} \n" ) line_pattern = ( "{var_name}: date,range = {date} {varmin} {varmax}\n" ) rec = int(np.ceil(float(ds.lon.size * 4) / 2 ** 14) * 2 ** 14) valformat = "{:.3f}" lonmin = valformat.format(ds.lon.values.min()) lonmax = valformat.format(ds.lon.values.max()) latmin = valformat.format( latmax = valformat.format( for var_name in list(ds.keys()):"{var_name}") var_header = ds[var_name].attrs["header"] header = header_pattern.format(**locals()) valformat = "{:.8E}" with open(fa_pattern.format(**locals()), "wb") as fa: with open(fb_pattern.format(**locals()), "w") as fb: LOGGER.debug(header) fb.writelines(header) for itime in range(len(ds.time)): ds[var_name][itime, :, :].values.astype(">f4").tofile( fa ) * (itime + 1)) date = valformat.format( convert_to_julian_day(ds.time.values[itime]) ) varmin = valformat.format( ds[var_name][itime, :, :].values.min() ) varmax = valformat.format( ds[var_name][itime, :, :].values.max() ) fb.write(line_pattern.format(**locals()))
[docs] @staticmethod def write_ncfiles(ds, nc_out="forcing.{var_name}.nc", **kwargs): for var_name in list(ds.keys()):"Create {}".format( nc_out.format(**locals()))) ds[var_name].to_netcdf(nc_out.format(**locals()))
[docs] @staticmethod def outgen(nc_in, **kwargs): freq = kwargs.get("freq", None) ds = xr.open_dataset(nc_in) ds = AtmFrc.rename_vars(ds) AtmFrc.write_abfiles(ds, freq=freq) AtmFrc.write_ncfiles(ds)