sloop run

usage: sloop run [-h] [--rundate RUNDATE] [-b BEGINDATE] [-e ENDDATE]
                 [--ncycle NCYCLE] [--freq FREQ] [-j JOB] [-w WORKFLOW]
                 [--exp-dir EXP_DIR] [--nodependency NODEPENDENCY]
                 [--res-xpid RES_XPID]
                 [--res-type {hindcast_free,hindcast_spnudge,nrt,None}]

Named Arguments


rundate of the experiment

-b, --begindate

begindate of the experiment

-e, --enddate

enddate of the experiment


number of cycle


number of days between two cycles

Default: 7

-j, --job

name of the job to be submitted

-w, --workflow

name of the workflow to be submitted


experiment directory


True or False

Default: False


path@location or xpid


Possible choices: hindcast_free, hindcast_spnudge, nrt, None

hindcast or near real time chaine