2. Environment dedicated to Datarmor


  • First get the src code as described here Installation

    1. You can for instance install sloop and vortex sources in a dedicated directory in your $DATAWORK

    2. Then get SLOOP

      git clone https://gitlab.com/GitShom/STM/sloop.git
    3. Switch to this branch

      git switch mcaillau-sloop-croco
    4. Get vortex sources

      git clone https://gitlab.com/GitShom/STM/vortex.git
  • Secondly the user need to install a specific conda environment on Datarmor. For those who have access to the intranet, the documentation is here Conda doc on Datarmor

    For instance

    conda create -n sloop python=3.7
  • Once conda is installed the packages to install are given in Sloop-deps section in Installation


To do so, first load conda on Datarmor

source /appli/anaconda/latest/etc/profile.d/conda.csh

Now you have access to conda commands and you can load your environment

conda activate sloop

Then, export the following environment variables:

$ setenv PATH $PATH:$SRC_DIR/vortex/bin:$SRC_DIR/sloop/bin
$ setenv PYTHONPATH $SRC_DIR/vortex/project:$SRC_DIR/vortex/site:$SRC_DIR/vortex/src:$SRC_DIR/sloop

That’s it ! For all the commande lines above, the creation of an alias named sloopenv is recommanded.